Our My Healthy Heroes Project

Hello folks, we just wanted to use this short blog post to tell you a bit about the work we’re doing through our My Healthy Heroes project.

My Healthy Heroes is a new project that aims to educate and empower children by tapping into their imagination and creativity to enable them to fully grasp the importance of making healthy choices.

Through our My Healthy Heroes project, we are creating engaging resources and activities for children that are based on fun food characters.

We will initially be piloting our approach with one school in St Kitts and this will involve using playing cards, creative writing and stop motion animation to bring the information on healthy eating and physical activity to life.

To further engage children, we are exploring the creation of a fun healthy eating mini-computer game that will provide children with an immersive learning experience. It will focus on providing children with a better understanding of the nutritious value of foods and their positive effect on the body and will also highlight the adverse effects of junk food.

We’re working hard to develop a collection of resources and ensuring they fit into the school curriculum. We’re also gaining useful insights from teachers, children and the Ministry of Education to help inform the direction of this pilot project.

We’re really excited about this new project and would like to thank the Taiwanese International Cooperation and Development Fund (ICDF) for funding our pilot project.

More Information?

For more information, please email us and we’d be happy to answer any questions that you may have or explore collaboration opportunities.

Project Partners and Funders

This pilot project has been made possible through funding by the ICDF and is a partnership between Lake Health and Wellbeing and Evolution Media Lab.

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